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放大字體??縮小字體 發布日期:2016-12-15??來源:互聯網??作者:紙引未來??瀏覽次數:501
核心提示:YOUNGSVILLE, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Xerium Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:XRM),introduces TransForm, a revolutionary new gener


YOUNGSVILLE, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Xerium Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:XRM), introduces TransForm, a revolutionary new generation of forming fabrics designed specifically for paperboard and packaging machines that lowers energy consumption and extends fabric life, among other considerable benefits.

北卡羅來納州揚斯維爾 - (美國商業資訊) - 2016年12月8日 – 致睿技術有限公司(紐交所股票代碼:XRM)推出了新一代革命性成型網TransForm,專用于板紙和包裝紙機,其突出的優點包括降低能耗和延長織物壽命。

“Our board and packaging customers continuously demand improvements in uptime efficiency and reduced operating costs while delivering higher product quality at maximum output,” said Bill Butterfield, EVP and CTO of Xerium. “Utilizing new proprietary polymers and structural designs, our new TransForm line is already helping customers reduce energy consumption by more than 15 percent while extending fabric life between 15 and 25 percent.”

“我們的紙板和包裝紙客戶一直在不斷地要求對運行效率進行改善,并降低運營成本,同時在實現產能最大化的同時提升產品質量。” 致睿執行副總裁兼首席技術官Bill Butterfield先生表示,“新一代TransForm產品使用了全新的專屬聚合物和結構化設計,能夠幫助客戶降低超過15%的能耗,同時將成型網的使用壽命提升15-25%。”

Representing half of the global tonnage produced, paperboard and packaging grades continue to grow globally compared to other paper grades. TransForm forming fabrics have been tailor-made for every type of board and packaging former: fourdriniers, twin wire formers, top formers, gap formers, and multiply formers.


“We trialed these new TransForm products in select board and packaging mills with excellent results of improved drainage rates and sheet quality. The performance continues to exceed our customers’ expectations” adds Butterfield.


TransForm technology is applicable for machines producing: paperboard, containerboard, fluting/corrugating, linerboard, kraft bag, liquid packaging board, food and beverage containers, bleach board, white top paperboard, boxboard, and other related subgrades.


about Xerium Technologies, Inc.


Xerium is a leading producer of fabrics and roll covers used in the production of paper and packaging, nonwovens, and other industrial manufacturing processes. Xerium’s technology portfolio also includes integrated machine monitoring and automation applications that analyze and deliver real-time machine performance data. With a breadth of patented and proprietary products and services, Xerium provides customers with tailored solutions all designed to reduce their operational costs and optimize their machine’s performance. Xerium is headquartered in Youngsville, NC and has 28 manufacturing facilities in 13 countries with approximately 2,900 employees.







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